

Hex #DC7946

RGB (220, 121, 70)

CMYK (0, 45, 68, 14)

Light Apple

Hex #B74A62

RGB (183, 74, 98)

CMYK (0, 60, 46, 28)


Hex #9C354B

RGB (156, 53, 75)

CMYK (0, 66, 52, 39)


Hex #6A1727

RGB (106, 23, 39)

CMYK (0, 78, 63, 58)

Core colors

Use this color proportions in any layout or collateral design.

Secondary Colors

Do not use secondary colors for text. Use only black or white text as outlines on the right. Do not interchange the use of black and white according to preference, as these color combinations are specifically approved for accessibility. Secondary colors can be used with our core colors, but this should be limited.

Hex #F7A723

RGB (247, 168, 35)

CMYK (0, 40, 90, 0)

Hex #C80B0E

RGB (201, 12, 15)

CMYK (0, 100, 100, 15)

Hex #0087CC

RGB (156, 53, 70, 135, 204)

CMYK (90, 30, 0, 0)

Hex #2659A5

RGB (39, 90, 165)

CMYK (90, 65, 0, 0)

Hex #1B9C5A

RGB (28, 157, 91)

CMYK (100, 85, 5, 36)

Hex #61B45A

RGB (98, 181, 90)

CMYK (65, 0, 80, 0)

Accessible Color Combinations

All examples shown below pass the contrast standards.

White on Black

White on Black

Orange on Black

Orange on Black

Light Apple on Black

Light Apple on Black

White on Dark Apple

White on Dark Apple

Orange on Dark Apple

Orange on Dark Apple

Light Apple on Dark Apple

Light Apple on Dark Apple

Black on Grey

Black on Grey

Dark Apple on Grey

Dark Apple on Grey

White on Grey

White on Grey